flag left, American patriot John Stites For Sheriff, Los Angeles sheriff Los Angeles County
John's Bio, biography
Baca's Debacles, debacle scandal, Stites answers
letter to voters, vote LA
how can you help, campaign contributions
register to vote, L.A. Sheriff, March 5th 2002
contact information, email
Vote March 5, 2002

Please Print the following form and Mail (or FAX) to:

Committee to Elect John Stites for Sheriff
P.O. Box 91534, City of Industry, CA 91715-1534

FAX: (626) 968-0442

Click Here For Printer Friendly Version of Form


John Stites for Sheriff
Los Angeles County

How You Can Help

I am willing to:

Display a lawn sign/business sign/bumper sticker

Volunteer to work on the campaign/deliver signs/phone work, etc.

Host a fundraiser in my home

Make a contribution of:
$1000 $500 $100 $50 Other_____________

Checks are payable to: Committee to Elect John Stites for Sheriff
P.O. Box 91534, City of Industry, CA 91715-1534

State laws require the following information:



City_____________________State_______________Zip Code___________

Home Phone___________________Business Phone___________________


E-mail address_________________________________________________

Contributions are limited to $1000 per business or individual. Contributions are not tax deductible.

Phone / FAX (626) 968-0442FPPC #123904


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